In our effort to exalt God, edify believers, and evangelize the lost, Parkside Bible Fellowship has a wide variety of ministries. For more information, or to get involved in any of the following, please contact the office at (775) 423-3855.

Children's Ministries
Our Children’s Ministries department provides Sunday school classes for all ages, Children’s Church during Sunday morning worship for children ages 3 to 7, our annual Vacation Bible School, and AWANA ministry which meets on Wednesday nights! Also, we provide resources for children who stay in the morning service that enable them to follow along with the sermon as well as resources to help parents lead family worship at home.

Student Ministries
Middle school and high school students are encouraged to join us Sunday from 12-2 pm. Through discussion of Sunday's sermon, students are equipped to grow in their understanding of who God is, what he has done, and what he is doing in the life of the Christian. By doing this our hope is that students would be built up to know God more, trust God more, and glorify God more

Adult Ministries
Adults of all ages at Parkside have a wide assortment of ministries to choose from. Sunday school classes, weekly, in-home Connect Groups, Bible studies, discipleship opportunities, service opportunities, and prayer groups are just a few of the options available for adults.

Moms Together
Moms with children at home are invited to come for study & discussion, development of friendships, and support & encouragement. We meet the 1st Tuesday of the month (Sep-May) from 9:15-10:30 am. Children are welcome!
For more information, contact:

AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed, 2 Tim. 2:15) is a program for children the age of 3 up to 6th grade, consisting of Bible lessons, scripture memorization, games and theme nights. Our goal is to reach boys and girls and their families with the gospel of Christ. At AWANA, we focus on scripture memorization and discipling children. AWANA is Wednesday nights during the school year from 6 - 7:45 pm.